The posture of the procurement professional

Guest: Denis Côté, President of Heldec International Consulting Inc.
Written by: Claudine Fyfe, President of Fynlam

In this interview (french version only), we discuss the posture of the procurement professional, a role that is becoming increasingly critical for companies. We explored the strategic aspect of the function, the expected behaviors of professionals, and how to attract external candidates. Here is the perspective of a visionary expert!

Procurement Professionals: Catalysts for Innovation

Too often, procurement professionals are perceived as “controllers” who ensure compliance with rules or issue purchase orders.

However, the contribution of a procurement professional goes far beyond technical skills—quite the opposite!

Today, procurement professionals are strategic players and catalysts for innovation within the company. By optimizing work methods—whether negotiating prices or selecting suppliers—procurement professionals enable teams to grow and innovate.

It is therefore crucial to shift perceptions and recognize their central role in an organization’s overall strategy.

Procurement at the Heart of Strategic Decisions

More and more companies are welcoming procurement vice presidents onto their boards of directors to influence strategic vision. A wise decision!

By entrusting this responsibility to the procurement department, roles become clearer, and strong standards can be established alongside the selection of excellent suppliers to achieve business objectives. A well-defined internal organization allows a company to maintain control over its management rather than being dictated by external influences.

Procurement professionals should always be the primary contacts in supplier negotiations and in establishing collaboration standards to ensure that the procurement function is recognized as a driver of development rather than being overlooked.

Key Skills of a Procurement Professional

Denis Côté defines the key skills of a procurement professional as follows:

  • Active Listening: Beyond mere communication, active listening helps understand the real needs of internal clients. In-person interactions should be encouraged to foster genuine dialogue. Despite their experience—or rather because of it—procurement professionals must listen and understand the expectations and perspectives of their counterparts.
  • Humility: Aware of their central role, procurement professionals must also recognize their reliance on other departments to succeed.
  • Long-Term Collaboration: Success stems from harmonious and lasting relationships with internal clients and suppliers.
  • Relational Intelligence: Procurement professionals must demonstrate empathy to grasp the real needs and emotions of their clients. With relational intelligence, they can read between the lines, anticipate implicit expectations, and respond effectively while strengthening professional relationships.

Aligning Objectives with Those of the Company

Procurement professionals must ensure that their objectives remain aligned with those of the organization to avoid spending time on non-priority projects. To achieve this, they must maintain regular contact with internal clients and frequently reiterate, “Help me help you,” to prevent misunderstandings and foster better collaboration.

They should also not hesitate to adjust their messaging when the situation requires it. Information needs vary from person to person, as does the way it is processed.

Attracting the Next Generation of Procurement Professionals

As a rapidly evolving field, procurement is still little known and rarely considered as a career path. This is why it is essential to share inspiring stories from professionals in the field to attract new talent. Sharing one’s journey and personal experiences makes the profession more tangible and appealing. Denis also recommends that leaders be open to candidates from other sectors. Diverse profiles bring valuable skills and offer fresh perspectives that enrich the procurement function and contribute to the organization’s evolution.

Personal Notes
Denis Côté accepted the invitation to step behind the microphone and share his forward-thinking ideas about procurement professionals. His ability to anticipate market trends and propose innovative solutions fascinated me. Every conversation with him was a lesson in the evolution of procurement practices.

Denis is a natural storyteller. His extensive experiences—gained over 40 years, from Madagascar to Abitibi—serve as a tremendous source of learning. They also inspire the next generation of procurement professionals, whom we aim to attract! Unfortunately, even today, many business leaders hesitate to consider procurement as a strategic function rather than just a cost center.

Our discussions were so enriching that we decided to split the interview into two parts: the posture of the procurement professional (french version only) and procurement in a project context (french version only). Given my own experience in project management, I had the pleasure of challenging my guest to express—and even denounce—certain realities. Enjoy the episode!


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