Fynlam expertise

Transform your purchasing into a strategic value

The power of experience

A clear understanding of your supply chain

Our experts have decades of experience in the procurement functions of large companies around the world. They know how to negotiate with large numbers of suppliers, simplify complex processes, and increase your profit margins, while staying focused on your business objectives.

Using their expertise and support translates into securing the best strategic partners for the sustainable performance of your business.

Aim high for your procurement team

Your procurement team members have motivation, and our experts can take them where they want to be. In a highly competitive world, outstanding procurement managers are quickly positioning themselves as drivers of growth and innovation.

The Fynlam experts will transform your resources into a key element in the success of your business, today and in the years to come.

Meet your business partners

Experts and committed

Claudine Fyfe

LL.B., LL.M., ASC President and Founder Industry-leading procurement strategies and solutions

Mbola Rakotoarijaona


Timothy Murphy

Strategic procurement Expert

Claudine Fyfe


As an expert advisor in dynamic sourcing strategies, Claudine has led international teams and optimized the purchasing performance of large companies beyond our borders in a sustainable and responsible manner. In addition to adding great value to direct and matrix organizations, she seamlessly works across diverse business cultures thanks to her code of ethics, creativity, and ability to manage change—even in averse environments.

Mbola Rakotoarijaona


Mbola defines himself as a “data explorer,” and the title is well-deserved. When it comes to data, he knows it all. With a degree in business management, a degree in philosophy, and advanced training courses in several programming languages, Mbola has taken on an essential role at Fynlam. His extensive professional background in the field of transport and business intelligence products makes him a key player in supply chain data analysis.

Mbola Rakotoarijaona​


Mbola defines himself as a “data explorer,” and the title is well-deserved. When it comes to data, he knows it all. With a degree in business management, a degree in philosophy, and advanced training courses in several programming languages, Mbola has taken on an essential role at Fynlam. His extensive professional background in the field of transport and business intelligence products makes him a key player in supply chain data analysis.

Timothy Murphy

Strategic procurement Expert

Timothy Murphy is a seasoned procurement professional with 10 years of experience in procurement strategy and process optimization.

A true agent of change, he brings a strategic vision and innovative solutions to each challenge. His in-depth knowledge of international markets, his insight, and his attention to detail make him a precious ally for any business looking to transform its supply chain into a sustainable vehicle for growth.


Our strategic partnerships

In order to best respond to the needs of our clients, whose level of maturity in the procurement function varies significantly, we have created strategic alliance with key partner who, through their experience, know-how, and specialized tools, complement the services offered by Fynlam. This partnership is an addition to the exceptional experience of the company’s founding partners.

For this reason, we have established strategic partnerships and added value with:

Is your vision similar to ours?

Together, we will find concrete strategies and solutions to make your supply chain profitable in the long term.


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